ABOUT PATHWAYS CENTER BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINIC With five locations in western Georgia, including Greenville and Newnan, Pathways Center Behavioral Health Clinic provides treatment to adults and adolescents struggling with mental health issues and/or substance use disorder. The facility in LaGrange offers outpatient and transitional living services, as well as on-site detoxification. TREATMENT & ASSESSMENT The […]
Drug and Alcohol Treatment centers in LaGrange (GA)
This page provides information about drug and alcohol rehabs in LaGrange, Georgia. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, finding help can be overwhelming. We’ve compiled a list of local rehab centers and programs to make the search easier. Our resources include a range of treatment options, from inpatient care to outpatient services, and provide the support and guidance necessary for recovery. Let us help you or your loved one take the first step towards a healthier, sober life.