Centered around the 12-step philosophy, the Liberty House approach to recovery is based on a highly refined system that teaches addicts and alcoholics how to apply the principles of a 12-step program into their daily lives. ABOUT THE LIBERTY HOUSE Located in Kings Mountain, K.Y., The Liberty House is a sober living facility for newly […]
Drug and Alcohol Treatment centers in Kings Mountain (KY)
This page provides information about drug and alcohol rehabs available in Kings Mountain, KY. Here, you can learn about different rehab centers in the area, their treatment programs, and what services they offer. Whether you are looking for inpatient or outpatient care, this page is designed to help you find the right treatment center to meet your needs. We understand that seeking help for addiction can be a sensitive and challenging process, which is why we are committed to providing you with accurate and reliable information to support your recovery journey.
The Liberty Ranch
The Liberty Ranch is committed to providing comprehensive treatment that addresses the complex mental health conditions associated with addiction, while also helping clients establish a strong foundation in a 12-step program. Our focus at the Ranch is to help individuals identify and change behavior patterns that contribute to relapse, while developing healthier and adaptive behaviors […]