ABOUT ENGLISH MOUNTAIN RECOVERY Sprawled throughout 27 acres in Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains region, English Mountain Recovery provides residential treatment for adult men and women dealing with substance abuse and co-occurring conditions. Detoxification is offered on-site. TREATMENT & ASSESSMENT Individualized treatment programs last 90 days in total, though shorter stays of 30, 45, and 60 days […]
Drug and Alcohol Treatment centers in Sevierville (TN)
This page provides information about drug and alcohol rehabs in Sevierville, Tennessee. We list various rehab centers that provide a range of services to those struggling with substance abuse. Our goal is to help individuals find the right rehab program that meets their needs and helps them achieve sobriety. Whether you or a loved one is seeking detox, residential treatment, or outpatient services, we have curated a list of options in Sevierville. Our resources include detailed information about each facility, such as their treatment philosophy, therapies offered, and insurance accepted. We hope this page serves as a valuable tool in helping those in need find the support and care necessary to begin their journey towards recovery.