Canyon Crossing Recovery for Women

Canyon Crossing Recovery for Women Prescott Arizona

Located in Prescott, Arizona, Canyon Crossing Recovery is a transitional living facility designed exclusively for women. The 12-step based program combines a structured living environment with intensive outpatient care to address the core issues that contribute to continued drug and alcohol abuse. Women are taught how to change self-destructive behavioral patterns, manage cravings, identify triggers, and live a life filled with confidence, self-love, and grace. Living in a nurturing and supportive environment with their peers, clients become self-empowered, learn how to establish meaningful relationships, and begin to build a solid foundation for long-lasting recovery.


Canyon Crossing Recovery is a transitional living facility for women struggling with substance abuse. The Arizona-based program combines a structured sober living environment with partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP), outpatient, and aftercare services. The facility gives clients the opportunity to practice recovery skills in real-life situations, and become familiar with the recovery resources in the surrounding community. The facility is in a residential area close to downtown Prescott.


Treatment at Canyon Crossing Recovery focuses on the specific needs of women in treatment. The facility only admits women to the program and employs mostly women on the treatment staff. Clients are enrolled in different programming options based on their evaluation by representatives. Clients in need of more structured supervision during the day are enrolled in the PHP or IOP programs. Otherwise, clients enroll in the outpatient program.

All programming options focus on providing clients with the behavioral development and educational resources to continue their recovery outside of a facility. Educational courses are offered to develop sober living skills as well as to help build sober living habits. Clients participate in individual counseling as well as counseling for specific disorders. Family counseling is also available and encouraged.

The treatment programs use various modalities including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dual diagnosis to identify and address problem behaviors. In addition, clients participate in case management services as well as alternative therapies. These include equine therapy, outdoor therapies, and ropes courses to name a few.

During treatment, clients are required to participate in weekly drug testing. Clients also receive aftercare planning services including services to help them connect with local recovery support groups. 12-steps group participation is highly encouraged during and after treatment.


The facility was founded by a woman in recovery, and many staff members have also journeyed through addiction and recovery.

The staff-to-client ratio is 1:2, and staff members include a clinical psychologist, a doctor of osteopathy, a nurse practitioner, a bachelor’s level therapist, and a licensed addiction counselor. The facility is provides licensed programs that are certified by the State of Arizona and have the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission.


The transitional living facility at Canyon Crossing Recovery offers 20 beds in shared rooms. Pictures published on the facility’s website show family-style living areas with a communal living room and a full kitchen. Clients also have access to outdoor areas and guided therapies in the surrounding area. Special diets can be accommodated as needed.


To date, reviews from more than a dozen former clients indicated that that Canyon Crossing offers effective treatment. Many only provided written feedback.

The eight alumni surveyed by at the time of this writing on additional metrics gave the facility average ratings of 4.5 out of five stars for its staff’s level of experience and training, its affordability, and its cleanliness, and 4.38 out of five stars for its counseling options and its connectivity.

Out of five stars, exercise and leisure provisions received an average rating of 4.25, while family participation received an average rating of 4.63. “Staff are extremely passionate, attentive to all aspects of client care, and are highly trained and skillful in what they do. I noticed they had an individualized approach to my treatment, and also integrated psychiatric services, primary care, mental health, health and nutrition, and psychotherapy,” wrote alum H.S. in a representative review.

On Google, the facility earned an average of 4.2 out of five stars from 19 reviews at the time of this writing. Most alumni noted their success with the program and the quality of the alumni program. Even critical one-star reviewer Haley noted that the program gave her two years of sobriety.


Loved ones also gave Canyon Crossing highly positive reviews to date. The nine friends and family surveyed about the facility’s treatment effectiveness gave it a perfect average rating of five out of five stars.

Numerous parents praised the facility and credited it with saving their child’s lives, including M.C.D. who said in a representative review: “After 7 months at Canyon Crossing Recovery my daughter joined us for a family vacation. She is a different person, more patient, more mature and more accepting of life and the people around her. …Canyon Crossing provided the platform and structure she needed to maintain sobriety, rebuild relationships with her family and feel good about herself as a woman.”

Loved ones polled about the facility’s exercise offerings, level of family participation, facility cleanliness, affordability, and staff experience gave the facility five out of five stars.


At the time of this writing, five staff members provided written feedback about Canyon Crossing at The feedback was very positive. As one former staffer put it: “They are truly setting the bar higher when it comes to treatment and are getting results.”

The one staffer who completed a survey by at the time of this writing also praised Canyon Crossing, giving the facility five out of five star ratings for its family participation, its cleanliness, and its staff’s level of training and experience.


Canyon Crossing Recovery accepts private insurance from a wide range of programs including Cigna, Aetna, and United Healthcare to name a few. It is unclear if self-pay and financing are available.


Canyon Crossing Recovery for Women Reviews

its taken me a while to write this review simply for the fact that Im pretty sure most of you are desperate to find your child/loved one the best care you can possibly find. First off do know that there is help. Some of you may say "yea but you havnt met my child yet!" Truth is none of us are unique and most of us have different stories but our endings are usually the same. Feeling broken and lost. I certainly cant make any promises that your loved one will recover, but what I can do is give you some insight into my experience at CCR. After a long back and forth intervention, (thank God the angel on my shoulder won that battle.), i was on my way to the airport. Part of me excited that although very distant, a spark lit the light at the end of my tunnel of addiction. I was mostly scared that i would be leaving my best friend. The only one that made me happy or even want to live....opiates. I knew very little about treatment as this was my first (and only) go at this "sober thing". On the plane I told myself that if I just do what they ask, and say what I think they want to hear this should go by fairly painless then I can come back to my "normal life" in NY. I do pretty okay meeting people so I think socially I fit in pretty well with the other girls. I believe it was around the third nite. We were all in the living room watching a movie and something sparked an emotion in me about my boyfriend who had recently passed. I quietly slipped into my room and shut the door to have a "moment". Before i knew it, there were aprox. 6 girls comforting me telling me if I needed anything they were there for me. It was the first time in a long time I knew I was going to make real friends. Not friends that like me for what I can do for them, but friends from people who I quickly realized are just kind hearted, good people. In the beginning, I did well. participated, helped others. I had a lot to say but it was either calling someone out, being sarcastic, or focusing on helping other girls as a means to avoid any focus on myslef. These behaviors were pointed out to me and instead of hearing what staff was trying to get through to me, I chose to ignore it. Ignoring things isnt easy for me. I have a habit of making it seem things dont bother me when inside im losing my mind. so I would lay awake and the more I thought about the issues that where being brought forth to me, i realized i had NO CLUE who I was. My whole life ive had to chemeleoinize to situations. so much to the point that I had no clue which me was really me. It was a very un-nerving feeling. Instead of bringing this to my therapist I continued to pretend nothing was up and what was wrong with them that they keep calling ME out? After several warnings and chances, at aprox. 5.5 month of the 6 month program I was brought up into my therapist office and told I was being discharged. In their opinion my behavior was too much of a risk to the rest of the community. I sat there stone cold faced as a means to send an "I dont care" message. Inside i was balling and broken. what would have happened if I had let them see that side of me.....maybe that's all they wanted the whole time. Vulnerable, hurt, defeated, angry. Not one of them saw any of this. I was brought to who I currently refer to as my guardian angels house and couldnt wait to tell her how "unfair it was especially compared to what other clients did". She asked if i was done and said "did you come here to change yourself or Canyon?" "Myself"...."Did you"..... "well yea but now that I think about it im starting to realize I robbed myself of a lot that was offered to me"....."well then its a good thing you're still here to start on those changes- not a lot of parents and families can say that. My own mother wouldnt talk to me until I could "show some respect for the people that helped save your life" Ive been in Prescott almost 4 years now. Im one of the few left here. It hasnt been easy. My uncle was horrifically murdered, and his wife , my aunt, just passed from a long battle from ataxia. I stumbled but I was able to implement the tools these lovely people provided me with to get my life back on track. On track in time to show up for those three little girls who now have no parents. SOBER!!!! I currenlty have some time under my belt. My relationship with my family is better then ever. I cant promise that if you send your loved one to CCR theyll stay sober. What I can promise is your loved one will be surrounded by not only the staff and clients, but a whole community of people who love nothing more then to give back what was so freely given to them. I can promise your loved one will be going to a highly elite treatment center with just as highly elite a staff. And for all of you who've spent countless sleepless nites wondering when the next time you'll see your loved one again, I can promise you, the more you encourage your loved one and support them- reminding them how important it is to maintain a strong program every day you'll have a good chance of getting your loved one back! I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!!
Talk about making the owners rich. I was not a naive 18 year old who needed to be taught how to sweep a floor or do my laundry, Yes I was an alcoholic. Yes I needed help. but this was the last thing I needed. You made me worse not better. All false therapy. Super joke and don't get me started on the weekly circle where you have to call out other peers. It was a humiliating. I am good today without them. Don't waste the money on this. There are better and more personal programs out there.
Canyon Crossing Recovery is a program that works miracles. As a former client, I have seen changes in myself and others that one would have never thought possible. When I got to Canyon I was completely broken and had lost all hope in life. Throughout my journey here I was able to find myself and learned how to truly love myself. What sets Canyon apart is a staff that cares about the person as a whole and that truly want what is best for their clients. I am so beyond grateful for all the work Canyon does and I know my life has been forever changed for the better by my time spent in this program!
Very loving and wonderful staff. Clean accommodations. FANTASTIC ownership!
Canyon Crossing Recovery saved my daughter's life! This group of professionals definitely know how to help and save girls lives. They work so hard every day and every hour to get deep in the roots of addiction and overcome that disease. At the same time they help girls to learn how to live healthy independent life again. I am also amazed that all therapists and staff are in recovery themselves and I think this why they are so successful in helping others. Thank you so much for your great work.