Located in Sitka, Alaska, Raven’s Way is a wilderness-based, 12-bed residential treatment program designed for adolescents struggling with chemical dependency. The program is long-term, with stays averaging between three and fours months, and combines adventure therapy with traditional addiction treatment and Native cultural activities. According to a 2016 SAHMSA survey, Raven’s Way is one of 29 facilities in Alaska to treat adolescents.
In order to be eligible to attend Raven’s Way, prospective participants must have a primary substance abuse disorder (SUD). The facility accepts teens who are referred by parents, community service providers, probation officers, and other sources. Upon admission, clients undergo an initial substance abuse assessment.
Programming at Raven’s Way takes an holistic approach in developing each client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual selves and strengthening their communication and problem-solving skills. In coordination with Sitka School District, clients also receive specialized secondary education in a classroom environment.
Along with a schedule of traditional treatment elements, which include counseling sessions, educational classes, performing “step-work,” and life skills workshops, adolescents participate in a range of physical activities, alternative therapies, and team-building exercises, including ropes course challenges and wilderness expeditions. Raven’s Way also facilitates aftercare planning and provides follow-up contacts for program alumni.
Raven’s Way is staffed by a team of licensed psychologists and therapists, alcohol and drug counselors, and a secondary education teacher. The program also holds accreditation with the Joint Commission.
Other than being a co-ed program with 12 beds, there are few further details provided by the facility regarding its living arrangements and related offerings. However, wilderness expeditions are typically held in the Tongass National Forest. The single loved one polled by Best-rehabs.com to date offered four out of five stars for both the facility’s accommodations and meals, yet only one or two stars for the facility’s exercise and leisure activities and holistic treatment offerings.
Although offering four stars for facility’s overall treatment effectiveness, the sole family member polled by Best-rehabs.com to gave one- and two-star ratings for the facility’s counseling option and discharge planning. “They did the best they could,” the anonymous reviewer wrote. “They kept the kids engaged and helped them gain an understanding about their addiction.”
Program participants can apply their private insurance, Medicaid, or Indian Health Service (IHS) to cover both treatment and their travel expenses.