Crossroads believes that in order for substance abuse and mental health treatment to be successful, it must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each individual. To this end, the drug and alcohol rehab offers gender-responsive care that embraces the differences in women and men’s addiction experiences, and targets key issues in recovery such as self-image, relationships, sexuality, and spirituality. The facility allows clients to begin the journey of recovery and self-discovery in a compassionate, secure, and non-judgmental environment with cutting edge treatment modalities and a holistic approach.
Crossroads operates four locations in Maine that provide outpatient services for men and women, as well as one that offers residential services for women. The Windham, Maine, location treats pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of five dealing with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
Children under age five may stay with their mothers during treatment. Treatment incorporates evidence-based modalities like motivational interviewing (MI) and daily alcoholics anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. Crossroads uses trauma-informed and gender-responsive treatment with Seeking Safety. Crossroads also implements “A Woman’s Way through the Twelve Steps” curriculum.
Clients will attend individual therapy weekly and daily group sessions that focus on healthy relationships, living sober, motherhood, and the medical impacts of chemical dependency.
Case management services for women include medical, housing, and education. Crossroads will help pregnant women find medical and OB/GYN care. Women are able to take parenting classes to learn communication, and developmental milestones. Staff will also monitor children for medical and developmental needs.
Crossroads offers family therapy and weekly Family Days where loved ones can attend group therapy to learn about substance abuse, boundaries, and offering support. For those who can’t attend in-person, Skype sessions are available.
Crossroads employs a medical director, doctor of psychology, certified counselors, and a licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
On-site sober living residencies are available to mothers and their children at Crossroads. On-site licensed daycare is available when women attend counseling, meetings, classes, and other activities. Children will have access to educational and recreational activities. Three alumni polled by awarded five out of five stars to the facility’s accommodations, though one loved one gave the category two out of five stars.
Three alumni gave positive feedback to, with four- and five-stars given to Crossroad’s holistic offerings, counseling options, and staff’s level of training and experience. “Staff was always there to assist with any concerns and offered a very structured environment. Very intense treatment and very structured,” wrote alum Kathy. K.T.G. called staff “amazing” and added: “I learned a lot of coping skills and tools so I didn’t put my self back into a situation that I would regret.”
A fourth alumni, Joy, commented on “If it wasn’t for the staff I would have left early. Good structure, happy staff, great food and the clinicians made an effort to give clients a healthy environment.” Joy also indicated that staff seemed overworked and that corporate “seem to make strange decisions.
Q.R., who was not a client at Crossroads, wrote to “They wouldn’t take me because I’m transgender. This is one of the only womens places in maine. They said they’d help me find another place but they never did.”
One loved one surveyed by gave Crossroads a mediocre review. The individual gave three out of five stars to the facility’s treatment effectiveness, affordability, discharge policies and indicated that treatment was worth the cost. The loved one gave two stars for the holistic and counseling options available and treatment for co-occurring disorders. They wrote: “Strengths: location and for women. Weaknesses: amenities, comfort and privacy. There should be more space.”
Former staff member L.D. called gender-based treatment a strength of Crossroads and gave four out of five stars to staff’s experience and credentials. “I feel that some of the management is all about the blame game instead of learning from it,” L.D. wrote. “I feel that there is too much finger pointing and not enough non judgmental support.”
According to its website, Crossroads in in-network with many insurance companies. It also accepts self-payment, MaineCare (Medicaid), Medicare, and offers a scholarship program funded by donations.