Providence Substance Abuse Treatment – Portland is part of Providence Health & Services, a nonprofit network of hospitals and care providers in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Located at Providence Medical Center in Portland, this facility offers a comprehensive range of treatment options for adults dealing with chemical dependency and co-occurring disorders. The services provided include medically monitored detoxification, short-term residential care, and outpatient programs, including one specifically designed for DUI offenders.
The treatment process at Providence Substance Abuse Treatment – Portland begins with detoxification and short-term residential care, if necessary. The center utilizes medications to manage the symptoms of withdrawal and employs motivational interviewing techniques to help individuals establish goals for their recovery.
During residential care, clients participate in group therapy and family treatment groups. Once stabilized, a case manager develops a continuing care plan, which may include a referral to Providence’s outpatient programs. The typical duration of detox and residential care is between five and 10 days.
Following completion of residential treatment, clients have the option to enroll in Providence’s outpatient programs as a step-down service. The duration of outpatient treatment ranges from 10 to 20 hours of weekly meetings, depending on the individual’s needs. The center also offers a specialized outpatient program for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Typically, clients remain in outpatient treatment for up to three months.
Providence Substance Abuse Treatment – Portland employs a highly qualified team of professionals, including physicians experienced in addiction medicine, registered nurses, mental health and substance abuse counselors, and case managers. The treatment staff at this facility has over 200 years of combined experience.
Although specific details regarding accommodations are not provided on the hospital’s website, survey data from Best-rehabs.com indicates that loved ones and former clients generally spoke positively about the facilities and the quality of meals. Ratings for accommodations and amenities averaged four out of five stars, while ratings for meals and nutrition averaged 4.25 out of five stars.
Opinions of the treatment center among alumni surveyed by Best-rehabs.com were varied. However, many agreed that the staff were a strength of the program.
One alum wrote, “Recovering therapists were good, everything else was an issue.” Another alum gave the treatment center four out of five stars for treatment effectiveness and praised the caring nature of the staff.
Most loved ones surveyed by Best-rehabs.com provided positive feedback about Providence Substance Abuse Treatment – Portland. On average, they rated the center 4.25 out of five stars when asked if they would recommend it.
Similar to the alumni reviews, friends and family mentioned the strength of the staff, giving them a rating of 4.5 stars for experience and training. They also noted that the program encouraged family participation adequately, with an average rating of 4.25 stars. However, two respondents expressed concern about the center’s ability to effectively treat co-occurring disorders.
For example, one respondent mentioned that the program was not specialized enough for the specific issues their loved one was facing. They also commented on the lack of leisure activities but appreciated the attentive care provided to the patient.
Providence Substance Abuse Treatment – Portland accepts various private insurance providers, Medicaid, and Medicare. Financial assistance may also be available to eligible individuals.